Thursday, October 4, 2007

# 11 Library Thing

I could spend a lot of time with this site. Fascinating, a booklover's dream. It is a wonderful resource when you have read all of your favorite author and need to find a new one. Unlike Novelist which uses a search which always seemed to lack a human touch this has recommendations from real people. If my quirky author that I like appeals to somebody else it really is possible that I might like some of their favorites.

Unrecommendations is intriguing . What is it about a particular title that generates a list of stuff you probably will hate ?

I looked at two of the libraries who use Book Thing and didn't get the point of what they were doing. It didn't seem like a reader's advisory tool.

Now I have to figure out to put a link to my catalog. I expect that I will have to get help because it doesn't seem real obvous. I hope that this address below is what you have in mind.

I am going to forge ahead for the November deadline.

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