Tuesday, October 30, 2007

#21 Podcasts

I didn't find these tools very useful to locate podcasts on subjects. Searching for book reviews brought up a long list of mostly unrelated links. I tried gardening and got a similiar result.I suspect that if you were aware of a particular podcast and wanted to locate the link these might be the way to go. Podcastalley at least had a summary of what to expect in each podcast.

While playing around with the links to new podcasts I found one that was from the American Chemical Society where they had short segments on science topics. It was aimed at the middle school audience. It was easy to link that to my bloglines account. Interesting that somebody in that group is thinking about reaching an audience where they are playing. I might check to see if ACS is also using YouTube to catch kids with science video. The library could Podcast segments promoting teen programming.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

#20 part two YouTube

Had a great time with this. There was lot of stuff that didn't appeal to me but I keep trying the different options and found some interesting things. The Most Discussed List and the Top Favorites certainly let you see what most of the audience is looking at. The search box was very effective in getting to specific topics.

My favorite was http://youtube.com/watch?v=1qiGyxPplAw. I just found it while was trying out the various options. I could never figure out how to place the video in this blog. None of the computer savvy CAs were here. I did share this with family members who are also fellow cat lovers.

We are already using this to promote the Zine collection and I can see how we can use this for other stuff that has a target audience such as Teen Read Week or specific upcoming programming.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Monday, October 22, 2007

#19 Web 2.0

I certainly could spend the rest of the day playing Guess the Google. Got the first one right but it is work time and I need to look at something more pertinent to the workplace.

I checked out the nominees in the health category. Two of them were health related search engines. I preferred the features in Healia that allowed the search to be very specific. Your results could be very targeted. I was shocked to find that the site was using a definition for a medical condition from Wikipedia. This site was created and maintained by a branch of the NIH.

The other Health site Medstory has less means of targeting the search. It has some confusing colored lines that looked like bar graphs.

I would bookmark Healia at the I Desk and use it for customers looking for information about specific medical conditions.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

#18 cont

It worked even though I somehow cut off the last couple of words. Is it possible to edit a previous blog ?

# 18

# 18  Online Productivity Tools

Here goes I am going to write my blog about this topic here and then publish it to my blog.  Well I managed to close the whole thing and then find my doc again.  There is a lot of capacity here to do more things than I will ever need.  You can also transfer your stuff between websites, your phone and who knows what else.  This pretty easy to use, if you have a question go to the FAQ page and print out the answer.  That is how I am going to put this on my blog.


This site does seem to replace the microsoft word processing program, don't know what more sophisticated o

# 17 Sandbox Wiki

This was not as intuitive as some of the previous tasks. I had to ask for help and embarrassed one person who had already forgotten how to add a comment to a wiki. A wiki is certainly easier to use to collect opinions about a topic that an email question. We could use this for feedback and discussion on major policy changes. There would be no need to wait for one of the monthly meetings.

#16 Wikis

Just had an interesting conversation with a mother about Wikipedia. She was amazed that anybody could edit/add to an article. Her middle school showed her easy it was to change something. After that she understood why her daughter's school would not accept Wikipedia as a source.

I am still surprised that people will believe that stuff on the web must be correct.
I just read the ten facts about Wikipedia on their website. Now I even more skeptical about it.

The Princeton Public used a wiki to allow customers to create their own summer reading recommendations. I could see us doing that for the middle school SRC. It would take somebody from the system overseeing what was being said.

I am curious about how you go about setting up a wiki, didn't find that info in any of the articles. Time for a google search.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

#15 Perspectives on Web 2.0

The future is hard to predict; you can discuss all the wonderful things that libraries can do with all the technology. Customers can add their own tags to our catalogs, interact with us by IMing, everyone uses open source software, no more dependence on those vendors. What is out there and will be the hot thing next year.

I skimmed the long article by Crawford, it is interesting to see all the various perspectives on L 2.0. Without the blogs there is no way that all this is feedback would ever happen.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

#14 Technorati

I explored this site the day after Al Gore won the Nobel Peace Prize. Lots of blogs, all kinds of opinions from around the world, a great spot to see how people are thinking about something. While there are many links to mainstream world news on the web this links you to individuals. In my explorations I found a lot of techy stuff I am sure that a lot of people who like to play with electronic things have a great time sharing knowledge and ideas. When I checked out top searches, however, I got a lot of suggestions for porn sites.

I will try to remember the check this site the next time I want to see how people are reacting to a world event.

#13 Del.icio.us

I didn't find this site as interesting as some of the others. I can see how if you were involved in a collaborative research project this site would be useful to share information in a kind of have you seen this yet manner. I am not really anxious to have other people looking at my choices of websites. Too many years of working in public service have made me conscious of the number of kooks that are out there.

It would be valuable if you used a number of computers and wanted to have access to your bookmarked websites on each machine. If you always used a public machine this site would let you keep your bookmarked sites available. So far this has not become an issue for me.

Friday, October 5, 2007

#12 Rollyo

Very useful tool. As I was creating my new Rollyo, I could think of several more that would be real useful. Any subject that you tend to check regularly it would be very time saving to have it all together.

Now that branches are not getting the used car price guides a Rollyo of the major sites would be useful at the I Desk. Searchroles could be created for branch specific topics depending on branch needs.

Now I am going to see if I can add my searchroll to this blog in the next ten minutes before I am due back on the desk.

Here goes

Thursday, October 4, 2007

# 11 Library Thing

I could spend a lot of time with this site. Fascinating, a booklover's dream. It is a wonderful resource when you have read all of your favorite author and need to find a new one. Unlike Novelist which uses a search which always seemed to lack a human touch this has recommendations from real people. If my quirky author that I like appeals to somebody else it really is possible that I might like some of their favorites.

Unrecommendations is intriguing . What is it about a particular title that generates a list of stuff you probably will hate ?

I looked at two of the libraries who use Book Thing and didn't get the point of what they were doing. It didn't seem like a reader's advisory tool.

Now I have to figure out to put a link to my catalog. I expect that I will have to get help because it doesn't seem real obvous. I hope that this address below is what you have in mind.


I am going to forge ahead for the November deadline.